Ryan Young
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #92362
Let's get real for a second. Dealing with a never ending to do list is exhausting. Feeling like you are never enough or that you or your feelings don't matter is lonely. Well let me tell you something. You matter. You deserve to be exactly who God made you to be.
What about that relationship you are in? The one with your spouse or significant other. Maybe you miss that spark in your marriage, and that closeness you use to have has been lost somewhere among the amazingly busy life you both created together! Do you long for that connection?
I can HELP! I am a couples therapist and I have a passion for helping you. There are techniques I can teach you, ways to decompress, and tools that can be helpful in allowing you to express yourself in a way that is your truth.
I specialize in treating clients who are tired of keeping up a façade and ready to be heard and to be seen. Call me and let's chat.